Within this Privacy Policy is detailed how your personal information will be dealt with in terms of collections, use, and being shares when visiting and/or purchasing form of onenetcomputershop.com.
This Privacy Policy describes how your personal information is collected, used, and shared when you visit or make a purchase from onenetcomputershop.com.

Collected Personal Information
Upon visiting onenetcomputershop.com, certain information about your device, including information about the browser, IP address, time zone, and installed cookies is automatically collected. As the site is browsed, we continued collecting about individual pages that are views along with products, referral sites and search times used in the Site, and interaction information. This is called “Device Information.”
The following technology is used to collect Device Information:
“Cookies” are files placed on your device including anonymous unique identifiers. To learn more about how cookies work, and how to disable these cookies, visit http://www.allaboutcookies.org
“Log Files” track the different actions taken on the site and collect data such as the IP address, type of browser, ISP, referring pages and exit pages with stamps for dates and times “Web Beacons”, “tags”, and “pixels” are files recording information regarding your browsing of the site.
When attempting to make purchases through the Site, certain information will be collected. This includes name, addresses for billing and shipping, payment information that could include credit card numbers, phone numbers, and email addresses. This is referred to as “Order Information.”
Any time “Personal Information” is referred to in our Privacy Policy, it encompasses both Device Information and Order Information

Use of Personal Information
Personal information is collected and used for order fulfillment for orders placed via the site – this includes processing the payments, arranging shipping, and invoices/confirmations. Order Information is also used for:
Screenings to determine risk/fraud
Providing information and advertising related to our products
Device Information, especially the IP address, is used for fraud and risk screening, along with helping to make the experience of our site that much more efficient, including generating site analytics for internal use.

Sharing of Personal Information
Personal Information may be shared with third parties to help us effectively use your Personal Information in the ways described above. Google Analytics is also used to learn how customers are using our site. Read how Google uses your Personal Information here: https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/. Opting out of Google Analytics can be done here: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
Personal Information may also be shared for compliance with laws and regulations, including replying to subpoenas, search warrants, and all other proper and lawful requests for information we receive, and to protect our rights in the process.

Behavioural Advertising
Personal Information is used to provide targeted advertising to you that you may find interesting as described above. For information on how targeted advertising functions, visit Network Advertising Initiative’s (“NAI”) education page at http://www.networkadvertising.org/understanding-online-advertising/how-does-it-work.

Other ways to opt out of some of these services is provided by Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out portal: http://optout.aboutads.info/.

Don’t Track
Be advised we do not alter our sites tracking practices when we see a Do Not Track indicator from your browser.

Your Rights
Residents of Europe have the right to access personal information held and get that personal information either corrected, deleted, or updated. If you prefer to exercise your rights, please contact us via the information below.
European residents should also note we’re processing information to fulfil contracts we have with you – such as orders on the Site – or to pursue legitimate business interests specified above. Note this information may be transferred outside of Europe including to the United States and Canada.

Data Retention
When placing orders through onenetcomputershop.com, we maintain all Order Information for record keeping unless you specifically ask us to delete this particular information.

The merchant will not sell, purchase, provide, exchange or in any other manner disclose Account or Transaction data, or personal information of or about a Cardholder to anyone, except, it’s Acquirer, Visa/Mastercard Corporations or in response to valid government demands.

This privacy policy shall be updated as necessary to reflect any changes to our practices for operational, legal, or regulation reasons.
Contact Us
To learn more about how privacy practice work or to lodge a complaint, contact us by email or by mail with the details below:
LOTERGATE LTD Company number 12955121. Address: 63-66 Hatton Garden, Fifth Floor, Suite 23, London, United Kingdom, EC1N 8LE